Long Term Profitable Growth in Business to Business Markets.
I’m Chris Poe.
Welcome to how I do it.
This site is about a decades-long career in business to business markets, particularly focused on industrial process equipment. I’m passionate about product implementation, product management, new product development, and analytics.
Companies I’ve worked for
My Experience & Focus
Making an IT Solution or a Process Improvement stick requires focus and discipline.
My go-to tools are:
Pre-negotiate what success looks like and resources required for success.
Frequent check points. Overcommunicate.
Deep, nuanced understanding of the business problem and the key constituencies.
Identify strong, knowledgeable, and talented contributors. Support them in ways meaningful to them.
Remember: Bad news never gets better with age.
Product Management
Balanced product lines that deliver consistent, profitable growth don’t just happen. They happen with product management.
Product managers balance the competing interests of accounting/finance, engineering, sales, manufacturing, and marketing.
Product managers are analytical yet intuitive.
Product managers are market-focused but listen carefully to individual customers.
Product managers are often in the best position to uncover the customer’s unarticulated need.
New Product Development
Consider two inconvenient truths:
You can’t “cut your way to sustainable growth” yet that is often the first move to regain profitability.
Far too few product launches are successful. Very few deliver breakthrough results.
A necessary condition of long term profitable growth is New Product Development [NPD]. NPD is harder than it looks, yet there are solid methods to deliver excellence, consistently.
Consider this: Investing in the right opportunities is less important than not investing in the wrong opportunities. How do you know the difference?
My go-to tools are:
The 80/20 lens
Voice of customer
Correlation ≠ Causation
Focus on what’s meaningful instead of what’s easy to measure